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Koszalin, Poland

Centrala Artystyczna: Astrala music show

Autor Ala z mat. inf. 21 Stycznia 2025 godz. 10:03
Hello Friends!! The Next thursday the 23th, i'll share some musics to you in Centrala Artystyczna.

Between them, there Will be songs of my own composition, as well as songs from differents artists from my city, (Rosario, in Argentina), Uruguay and other places!

The most of songs are in Spanish, but i'll share with you the lyrics with his translation to English in some PDF doc, and you can follow them.

You can know my music visiting my artist profile in the music platforms, like Spotify or YouTube. You can find me as "Fohat Neyen". You'll see two álbums, with 50 songs in total.

The event starts at 19:00hs.

I hope to see you there!!